There is a clear lack of indicators in the field of Good Governance*. Therefore, the objective of the PASSO project (Participatory Assessment of Sustainable Development Indicators) is to promote the use of new indicators and / or adequate systems of monitoring and evaluation through consultation between nonprofit organizations from seven countries Europe: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Romania and Spain.
The results and conclusions of this consultation will be published upon completion of the project in June 2010 and put into circulation among all participating organizations. It is expected to engage in the consultation a hundred nonprofit organizations in different fields of activity: solidarity, environment, citizen activism, culture, cooperation and development or geographic: national, international, local.
To participate, complete the following questionnaire (files/itd_doc_71.doc) and send it (deadline April 23) at the following address:
All participants will receive detailed information on the progress of the project results. The PASSO project is funded by the EU Seventh Framework Programme. The organization responsible for consultation in Spain is ITD.
More information about the principles in which the project is base on available at: