Elaboration of the Director Plan that defines the concept, schedule, main actions, and relationships between the promoter, the city council and the rest of the stakeholders. It aligns the dimensions of coordination and comunication. http://www.tarragona.cat/lajuntament/conselleries/cultura/festivals-festes-i-cultura-popular/tarragona-2012/presentacio Tarragona City Council, Culture department,…
read moreStudy and diagnosis of the potential for strategic development of the Spanish Assotiation of Symphonic Orchestras. Proposals for its strategic development both for internal development and external projection based in three lines: growth, connectivity and excellence. Asociación Española de Orquestas Sinfónicas,…
read moreAll along the definition of public and private intervention strategies, territorial, sectorial and organizational analysis are essential in order to identify new necessities and detect the available assets. The flexibility of the focusings and the methodology let us combine the…
read moreSpecific course for cultural agents from different Costa Rican sectors focused on the diagnosis and definition of marketing plans.
read moreDiagnosis of the cultural activity of the population. Proposal for spatial and programmatic reorganization of major cultural facilities. http://www.ajbalenya.org/
read moreDefinition of joint vision and action plan. Formulation of functions for the central node and network members.
read moreDiagnosis and exploration of activities. Formulation of the strategy of continuity with the participation of the companies that are part of the centre of creation of contemporary dance and performing arts La Caldera.
read moreTraining for cultural agents in Costa Rica about the possibilities offered by the tools of strategic planning and network management. http://www.slideshare.net/jpedregosa/empresas-culturales-cultura-de-proyecto-proyecto-de-cultura-2430399combinación de planificación, innovación y participación en redes.
read moreDiagnosis, definition and uses study for the space L’ESCORXADOR in Badalona and its reconversion into a space for cultural uses.
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