
Support to decentralization in developing countries

Writting and edition of thematic guides and elements of communication (prezi) for the regions that compound CGLU (East Africa, West Africa and East Asia), about the oportunities of decentralized cooperation, specially at a local level. Partner: Pour la Solidarité, Brussels EU – Fundamental Rights

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Access to rights and citizenship

Its main aim is to investigate, in a participative way, with associations and people from the romanian community, which is the situation of their fundamental rights, as they are described by the European Union, and develop tools that allow both their knowledge and their improvement throughout a process of research-action during 2011 and 2012, integrating the detected expectations, necessities and proposals in the developement of the programmed actions in an open, participative way and adapted to the reality of the…

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Rights project: Promoting Global citizenship education through digital storytelling

The project promotes an education for a global citizenship, increasing interactive learning in secondary schools and in educational projects for disadvantaged young people throughout the use of the Digital Storytelling. The education for a global citizenship tries to grasp the challenges of the present globalized world. The Digital Storytelling has been proved as a powerful and effective learning tool for stimulating the creativity of critical thought through the combination of the old art of telling stories with the use of…

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Innovación, Transferencia y Desarrollo
Avda. Fabregada, 22 planta 1
08907 L`Hospitalet de Llobregat – Barcelona
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Trànsit / Ceps